
Giving the wild back to our pets.

I started FedWildly around a year after my mother rescued a beautiful Herman Tortoise called Ivy. When Ivy came to my mum she had been kept in a small enclosure and fed only pellets, her health was poor and she had little enthusiasm for life. My mother transitioned her into bigger enclosures with varied terrains and more natural materials. As I watched this transformation I started to read more about tortoises and saw that they can eat a varied diet of wildflowers, leaves, and even some grasses. This excited me as I have foraged for over 20 years for myself, my family and previous pets. And so I would pick for Ivy every other day whilst out with my dog Tilly and she soon became quite the foodie. She is now off of pellets completely and has a more varied diet than anyone I know, her health and shell have transformed and she seems much happier in herself.

This isn't the first time I have seen the transformative effects of allowing a more natural life for a pet. My dog Tilly used to have severe allergies with weeping sores, vomiting, and very itchy skin but after I switched her to organic/wild raw food she is a different dog, she's calmer and healthier and she hasn't had a flare-up since. On top of this, I once found a dwarf hamster in my wall cavity who promptly became our beloved Nora (because when I found her I said "oh bloody Nora I've found a mouse"). I studied hamsters avidly and made her an enclosure with moss, grass, plants, sand, stones, earth, a water pool, and a soft recycled paper/organic wool bed pit. She never ate 'hamster food' just foraged weeds, nuts, seeds, and grains (with the occasional mealworm and organic egg). Nora lived for over four years with us and as I later found out she lived with my neighbor before that and another lady before that! She had such a varied and joy-filled life (she even came on holiday with us in the car) and became very affectionate in her old age.

So I hope this explains why I want to share this with others, the pet food industry has become a place of misinformation, poor ingredients, and highly processed junk food. We choose to home these animals and so I truly believe it's our responsibility to at least try to replicate what they would have in the wild.

Alongside this business, I am a passionate environmentalist that feels strongly about renewable farming, sustainable living and all things nature being mostly left alone! I run this business mostly because I have a serious passion for it but also because I have a neurodivergent brain that cannot cope in the everyday work place. I find that although my disabilities effect the business they are also a great asset as I am able to mentally map forage for miles around and memorize things about plants, habitats and animals that others may perhaps struggle with. 

If you would like to follow me and my dog Tilly on our daily forage please follow me on Instagram (@fedwildly). I also post regular foraging videos on YouTube (www.youtube.com/@fedwildly) to help you find food for your pet throughout the year. 

Kayley x